Gamma in Rallye & Polo Shirts

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gamma a.i.
Posts: 888
Joined: 23 Dec 2008, 14:18

Gamma in Rallye & Polo Shirts

Unread post by gamma a.i. »

ahhh..umm...well...OK; I'll admit that I didn't drive Ful on 09 Inter-Ful (many) & Flav* (1) * Meet. 1 Flav driven by an 80 year old Gent - born in Be, living in Fr. - I drove no Ful - for svrl imprtnt reasons...

1 reason was that 'Ful that Smoke Pipes' drivers have mentioned that my Ful smokes Pipes 2.
No 1 wants to follow a smoky Ful on a Rally, or anywhere else.
When we ... in our non Ful...tried to stay up with Ful's, my co-pilot said "I think our Gam is burning" & chocked "I think I am going to get sick from all this blue (Ful) smoke".
So we didn't race to keep up with Ful's that smoke Pipes'. We, in Gam, fell far enough behind to breath in a pollution-free zone & didn't get ill.
No 1 driving or riding behind us complained about a Gam smoking Pipes; nor did they race past us to catch Ful's that smoked Pipes big time; whose drivers were racing to show Team Gam that a 'fat-cat Gam' shouldn't participate on a "cow-trail covered with cow-crap Rally". We agree(:P)

I spent hrs y'day a car-wash, cleaning Gam, getting washed & wet myself, while over & under Gam ... until all cow-crap & 'lard nose what else?' muddy residue was on floor of car wash. Yes, I swept it up before departing & yes, I was clean too.

I hand-pushed Gam out of car wash; I hand-dried me while hand-drying Gam; on a warm & dry eve:).
Only when I was dry, I got in Gam.

Such is Love... [i]It,
Gam is now back to its original glory !!!
[/i] for me, well...its too late ;)

The main reason that we took Gam was that my co-Piloti wanted a comfy non-racing Lanc on a romantic trip to Fr. Ha ha; that wish was not 2B, as long as we were racing with Ful Boys & Girls. All the Boys wanted to do was smoke pipes & race !!! The Girls too;my were they fast !

Why did we have to race on a trip that is supposed to be enjoyable & undangerous ??
I donno !!
But we did !!!
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Joined: 21 Dec 2008, 19:53

Re: Gamma in Rallye & Polo Shirts

Unread post by lancialulu »


I will make the polite observation that you cannot get by such pinninbarge on huib roads without a) ditch dodging, or b) taking a different route!


gamma a.i.
Posts: 888
Joined: 23 Dec 2008, 14:18

Re: Gamma in Rallye & Polo Shirts

Unread post by gamma a.i. »

I'm jes returning from hinterlands; jes got around to posting this, jes read this...if U want 2..

After "in mud Cow-Rallye 09" Day 1 was was over, drivin-wise & after all those behind us were blocked by us for hrs, the Gam Team agreed that:
"we should've slowly walked around Abbey, Church, Brewery & Park at lunch stop.
We should've enjoyed lovely weather more + history, peace, quiet" ... instead of assuring that every Ful in front of us was being hell-bent to destruction driven to assure that a there would be absolutely [/i]no-chance-in-hell that we in Gam ever got anywhere close to them, at least until Fulvia Lucas was kind enough to guide us at important intersections. After which the Lucas-Man was gone gone gone gone gone :S until he waited, again & again

However, we - on fat semi-slicks on wet muddy roads - didn*t stop to enjoy flowers....we were 'aving too much fun dreamin of passing a lot of other we (a different team) did in our fat-tire Ful in 08 !
OK, that was when every1 else in a Ful in stopped to smell the flowers:), when we passed them all, we too stopped & smelled the flowers too, watered the trees too & waited for the fun to begin, again.

We - Team Gam 09 - knew how to get to last-stop for wine, beer (thanks), song, lovely women all, a warm shower, a comfy bed, a good breakfast by taking a direct route - since our map was kindly marked for us.
We still drove with the Ful & did not take the easy route.. How dumb !
Hey, don't blame us...if we had taken a direct route, we would've missed lunch & Abbey brew no-label Beer! We were not out to insult beer-brewing Belgians.

Still, we didn't hesitate to give our Gam a real shake-down; not that it really needed it ... since I've raced it (against no 1 but myself) in rain & sleet near Nurnberg Ring...on roads more exciting than the Ring itself....& drove & rode thru the Alps & rode around on clean roads in Toscanna at 09 Mega Meeting & lived through all of these 'events, to assure that I would be able to chase Ful in futura !

Buy the weight: In my new Lan book, I read a line that mentioned that Lan once was big-shareholder in a little metal-bending shop (Pinin Farina) in the distant past. Amazing Fact !! Pininfarina - Home of Gamma !!

PS: Mega Meeting 09 !! I was only G'isti who didn't wipe imaginary specks o' dust at every stop; whisk carpets & triple check tire pressure, oil level, credit-balance at bar etc at MM09. I added 1/2L Oleo every 500km, tanked Super Benzina & tanked meself with Ital wine & beer. I was fine, going & coming ...Gam too.

My my my, aren't those "Posh-G'isti finniky ! They would never (smart guys) ride in cow-dung covered paths through military-battle-fields & canyons, like many Ful'isti we know !!

They (the G'isti) would have smelled flowers & taken "smooth clean roads" to lovely Hotel that was day 1 destination on "Cow-Ralley".

Maybe I will have to find a different co-driver in 10, some1 who could fathom justify doing again what we did in Ful in 08 & Gam in 09. If that is possible (to fathom etc...)
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