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Lancia Meeting 2010

Posted: 07 Nov 2009, 21:08
by gamma a.i.
Good Evening Tutto,

A Gamma Raduno Torino09 I spoke to Lancisti about meeting in mid-Europe in 2010.

Here is the Plan for a Gamma/Fluvia/Flavia etc RADUNO / MEETING on 23 – 25 April 2010.

It may be too far to drive - in a Lancia or another car - for some person, group, family. Everyone who wishes to attend should do so; Lancia or no Lanciaa. I will arrive in a Gamma ! or a Fulvia !

If it is best / better for some to fly to Baden or Stuttgart Airport… that is fine.

Of Course - Lancia is the Theme; but being with fine friends is very important..

Abacco Hotel, close to Autobahn; near Porsche Museum. No in city driving, 100+ rooms, open 24 hours a day – lovely Ristorant in Hotel; Bistro / Cafe`Bar too.. Low prices, with advance booking via

I visited Hospitality Director at Porsche Museum. We will have a fantastic tour, a lunch celebration in the Christophorous Room & can park at Museum for photos with our Jewels.
Porsche Museum will invite the Press to our Lancia Meeting.

Fri - 23 Apr - Day 1 – meet at Hotel at 12:00-13:00.
Plan of the Day: 13:00: depart Hotel in Lancia (or other car) for a once in a lifetime visit to incredible new Mercedes Benz Museum or, for those arriving from east or south, meet at Museum at 13:30-13:45. Lunch qt the Museum, an individual or a guided Tour. Group Rate.
ca 17:00 return to Hotel and relax. Greet laterarrivals.
ca 18:00 – Fellbacher Weingenossenschaft - [] present their award–winning Baden Wines at our evening „Welcome Party“; Taste their „Frutto Collection“; or other fine wines…with an opportunity to purchase selected Wines „on the spot“..

Sat 24 Apr – ct ca 11:00 visit incredible new Porsche Museum. VIP Welcome (what else ?) for us - Group–Rate; drink Cafe at the Espresso Bar; celebrate in Christopohorus Restaurant.

Ca 17:00 return to Hotel. Relax.

Ca 18:00 – have a pleasant evening in Hotel Restaurant, tell jokes, take photos, give (short)speeches.

Sun 25 Apr AM - Enjoy breakfast. At ca 10:00 – 10:30 - meet in Parking Lott; enjoy fresh air as our Lancia Expert Friends tell us - at a Technical Session–Light - the secrets of Loving our Lancia! Attendance is voluntary:.
followed by a small Tour in the Hills, past Porsche Test Track in Wiessach ! (25km from Hotel).

Depart from Driving-Tour destination (to be determined) toward home.

I invite Members of all great Lancia Groups/Clubs - who could arrive in …Flavia, 2000, Aurelia, Beta or „who knows what“ ?

Gamma Mythos of Japan will attend with Family. What an Honor !!!

I welcome you to this lovely country & its beautiful people; many of whom drive Lancia (smiley face)

registration form:

Johnny48 Walldorf, Baden, Germany

Re: Lancia Meeting April 2010

Posted: 29 Nov 2009, 16:19
by gamma a.i.
;) please read above plan; it has been updated. Please French Lancisti, come to our International Meeting ;)