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Y10 Engine spec's !! HELP HELP HELP !!

Posted: 07 Mar 2004, 11:32
by Arno

I am builder and owner of and i am working on a Y10 conversion. The idea is to put a Y10 Turbo engine and gearbox into a 1978 Fiat127, before i can start on that i'll have to overhaul the engine, turbo and gearbox so i am looking for any info on the that, i also need to connect the wiring from the digiplex ignition and am therefor looking for a wiring diagram. Can anyone help me out ? Thanks in advance, Arno

Re: Y10 Engine spec's !! HELP HELP HELP !!

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 10:28
by Neil

Try the website - Plenty of people available for advice on this forum

Re: Y10 Engine spec's !! HELP HELP HELP !!

Posted: 01 May 2004, 22:01
by Martin O'Neill
Well I now know there is at least one working Y10 in Wales!

Re: Y10 Engine spec's !! HELP HELP HELP !!

Posted: 01 May 2004, 22:07
by Martin O'Neill
The Digiplex wiring is the same as the carb Delta HF Turbo.

I have a diagram I could scn if you still need the info, let me know.



Re: Y10 Engine spec's !! HELP HELP HELP !!

Posted: 02 May 2004, 00:47
by arno
Hey there Martin, Neil,

By now i found a copy of a wiring diagram of the Y10, thanks anyway. The trick is that i am building the Y10T engine into my fiat 127 sport from 1978 so i have to adapt the wiring to the fiat's loom. By now i have isolated the core components needed to make it work and as soon as the fiat has been sprayed i'll attent to making it work. Still if you have a delta manual i'd like a copy or pdf from the brakes section of the turbo model if possible. I have recently read an article about fitting the rear turbo disks/hub and caliper to the 127 without major mod's so probably you'll understand why. Thanks in advance. If you ever need to spent some time on the net then have a look at that's my car on my site.


Re: Y10 Engine spec's !! HELP HELP HELP !!

Posted: 04 May 2004, 15:40
by Martin O'Neill
Hi there,

I am afraid that I don't have the manuals to hand, they are lost in my garage for now. I will try and find them but it could take weeks!

As an alternative, PDF's of the manuals are readily for sale on Ebay. For example brake information for all Delta's exists on these CD's: ... eName=WDVW ... eName=WDVW

These are available for world-wide shipping.

I do not recommend these sellers and the CD's are expensive considering they are copies, but the information should be useful to you.



Re: Y10 Engine spec's !! HELP HELP HELP !!

Posted: 02 Jul 2004, 17:54
by Chris
I am also in a great need of any specs (ingluding diagrams, pictures and all kind of info) about my Y10. I've turned upside down the whole market here in Bulgaria but unfortunatelly I've found nothing. Anyway I have a friend of mine travelling to Italy next month, so I hope him to buy me a kind of Owner's manual. But till then...

Re: Y10 Engine spec's !! HELP HELP HELP !!

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 04:20
by arno
im in luck i found me a copy of fiat's eper somewhere on the internet, so all info i need is there at the touch of a button........

need one too!!!!!!! wiring diagram

Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 20:49
by sam
can anyone help me find a wiring diagram for a Y10 Fire X i.e.