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buyer beware part II

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 19:32
by jogo
Author: jogo (
Date: 03-17-07 18:32

part II: of course the broke-motor in Gamma II was replaced. With motor from Gamma III, found via Gamma III, was honestly described by seller as being "unsavable" & "a bottomless money pit"; & "cause of a divorce" etc. Unsavable & water filled, but with a just-rebuilt.motor, nu brakes, almost nu exaust etc etc ...which resulted in Gamma II (undriven for 21 years) a very fine Gamma indeed; with its red brown leather.
It should be referred to as Gamma "II point V" (No. 2.5). I started out to find & pay for just "1 fun Lancia,"
then I had 4 ! Lates News: Gamma III is being further disassembled to (eventually) save another Gamma! ...thank heavens neither of these Gammas R mine. The fun Lancia; the 1 I was initially looking for - isn't a Gamma; but it is nice, it is fun, garage (s) R fill & I am poor !