Lancia Y major problem!!! Help me!!


Lancia Y major problem!!! Help me!!

Unread post by Blaz »

Hope someone will be able to help me.. before my Lancia's (Y 1.2 '98) motor will be taken apart. The problem is there seems to be plenty of oil in my air filter (how is that possible??). The oil then leaks out of air filter on the hot engine and is smells horribly. Help, anyone !?
Leo Capaldi

Re: Lancia Y major problem!!! Help me!!

Unread post by Leo Capaldi »

Hello Blaz,
if the oil is on the "inside" of the air filter then that means that there is oil coming up from the crankcase breater which usually happens when the engine is worn out. If the cylinder bores are worn the pressure from the pistons gets past the piston rings and creates a pressure in the crankcase(sump) which causes the oil to be blown through the breather pipe. Not sure about how the 1.2 engine is plumbed but the breather connection will be a rubber pipe that connects to the air box somewhere. It is possible to remove the pipe from the airbox and connect it to a seperate bottle to collect the oily mess. You would need to seal up the connection the air box. I would not reccomend doing this though. I think that it is a road-use regulation that the crankcase breather is fed back in to the air box. (to avoid fumes in the environment).

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